Categories: Proposals

Mount Cevedale

Alpine Guide | Paraglider pilot

Mount Cevedale, 3769mt, represents my idea of the baptism of classic mountaineering: suitable for everyone, even those who have never used an ice ax and crampons, therefore also suitable for those who want to experience a family adventure by spending a night in an alpine refuge.

A climb suitable for everyone that requires preparation and competence for the pitfalls that a glacier presents. And if among the members of the family there is someone who prefers to get up early to reach the top, prefer a leisurely breakfast and the spectacular view that only certain places can offer, this itinerary offers solutions for all tastes!

Cevedale can be an excellent starting point for laying the foundations for your approach to classic mountaineering and then aiming higher and higher, Tresero, Palon de la Mare, San Matteo, up to the more coveted Ortles and Gran Zebrù.

There are various logistical possibilities that we will decide together according to your needs, the height difference you want to tackle, the time at your disposal.

A mountain that offers great emotions for those approaching this kind of climb for the first time.

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